【飛行機で英語を学ぶ#19】Picture Description 8 Briefing Room

Picture Description 練習問題 8です。今回はブリーフィングルームでの写真になります。パイロットのブリーフィング内容の説明の練習になります。機内での病人や飛行機の故障とはまたちがったジャンルでの単語や表現を身に付けましょう。





Here we have a pilot’s briefing room in one of the airports. In the foreground there are several pilots who are sitting at the table and are busy with preparing for their flights. Some of the pilots have massive flight bags by their sides with sets of charts, maps and flight manuals. The pilots are sitting in pairs and are focused on what they have in front of them on the table.
In the background, we can see other pilots walking around and talking to each other. On the opposite wall there is an information board for flight crews. And in the right corner there are a few TV screens which display actual weather and perhaps other information which might be useful for pilots.
What we see here is a regular stage of preflight preparation process that all pilots should go through. During this phase pilots, for example, analyze en route weather and notices to airmen, define alternate airports, calculate the dispatch fuel quantity and loading, and make a final decision about the flight. This time is also used to determine the action plans for the crew in case of normal and abnormal situations. The pilot flying and pilot non-flying decide how exactly they will share the tasks, duties and responsibilities for the intended flight. They ensure once again that they are ready for possible problems and agree upon procedures to be used in case of unexpected events.
Anyway, such briefings are highly important for preflight preparation and should never be neglected by the flight crew.



Here we have a pilot’s briefing room in one of the airports.
ここではwe haveで始まっていますが、いつものようにThis picture is about~でも問題ありません。自分の型を作りましょう。



In the foreground

there are several pilots who are sitting at the table and are busy with preparing for their flights.
慣れてきたらthere are several pilots sitting at tableのようにwhoやwhichの関係代名詞を使わない練習をしましょう。名詞の後に~ingや~edを使うと時制を気にしなくてよくなるので便利です。

Some of the pilots have massive flight bags by their sides with sets of charts, maps and flight manuals.
massive [mˈæsɪv(米)] 大きくて重い、どっしりした、大きい
some of pilots have massive flight bagsを言っている間に
by their sidesやwith sets of ~の内容を思い出したので後ろに付けていったといった思考の流れです。


The pilots are sitting in pairs and are focused on what they have in front of them on the table.
in pairs ペアを組んで

focusは「集中させる」なので「集中する」場合はbe focus onになrるので注意が必要です。このほかconcentrate onも使えます。

what they have


In the background,

we can see other pilots walking around and talking to each other.
each otherは代名詞であって副詞ではありません。つまり

〇 talking to (with) each other 
✕ talking each other 

となり前置詞が必要になります。each other は代名詞なのでwe know each otherは「お互いに知っている」というよりは「お互い知っている」という感覚です。

On the opposite wall
壁にあるのでonを使います。wallをsideにすればOn the opposite side「反対側には」となり、なんにでも使えるのでこちらで覚えておきましょう。

there is an information board for flight crews.

右隅にTV 画面
And in the right corner

there are a few TV screens which display actual weather and perhaps other information which might be useful for pilots.
is useful for でも構いませんが、might be を使うと「~であろう」という意味で予測の意味が加わります。


What we see here
is a regular stage of preflight preparation process that all pilots should go through.
What we see hereは「ここに見えているのは」という意味で使用します。
a regular stage of 「通常の行程」
preflight preparation process 日本語では「プリフライト」と一言ですが英語だと違和感があるのでpreflight preparation processと覚えておきましょう。



During this phase pilots, for example, analyze en route weather and notices to airmen, define alternate airports, calculate the dispatch fuel quantity and loading, and make a final decision about the flight.

  • en route weather ⇒ analyze
  • alternate airport ⇒ define or decide
  • the dispatch fuel quantity ⇒  calculate
  • a final decision ⇒ make


This time is also used to determine the action plans for the crew in case of normal and abnormal situations.
「この時間」という意味でもthis timeを使います。ここでは「今回」の意味ではありません。
the action plansは「役割」という意味なのでrolesでも構いません。

The pilot flying and pilot non-flying decide how exactly they will share the tasks, duties and responsibilities for the intended flight.
decide on「~に決める」onを付ける場合とつけない場合をよく理解しておきましょう。

  • I decide the lunch ⇒ 昼食(の内容)決める
  • I decide on the lunch ⇒ (朝食、昼食、夜食の中から選んで)昼食決める

They ensure once again that they are ready for possible problems and agree upon procedures to be used in case of unexpected events.
agree upon「申し合わせる」
ブリーフィングの場合、ensure, confirm, decide, determineなどをよく使います。これらの単語を話の中でまんべんなく使えるようにしましょう。

Anyway, such briefings are highly important for preflight preparation and should never be neglected by the flight crew.
should never be neglected by the flight crew「無視、軽視されるべきではない」⇒ 重要である



いかがでしたでしょうか?今回はBriefing Roomという出題頻度はそんなに高くはないでしょうが出題された場合に頭が真っ白になってはいけないのでブリーフィングならではの単語や言い回しをこの問題を通して準備をしておきましょう。一度、準備をしておけばブリーフィング関係の問題に関しては落ち着いて対処できるはずです。練習問題をどんどんやって引き出しを増やしていきましょう。
